About us

Financial Sector Trends is a place to learn more about what is happening in Fintech all around the world. Here you will find insights, news, interviews and analysis of many Fintech-related topics. From explaining basic concepts to analysing major trends across business, finance, economics, and technology.

Guidelines for guest authors

If you have a passion for fintech and want to share it with others, then you should get in touch. We are always looking for high-quality content that provides valuable information to readers interested in learning more about the industry.

Blog post guidelines

  • It should be somewhere in the range of 750 to 2,000 words
  • The post should be relevant and interesting
  • It can be an old or new topic
  • It needs to be backed by facts and provides a meaningful conclusion
  • It should be well-written without any grammatical or punctuation mistakes
  • The post should not overly promote your business or yourself
  • Last but not least, we do not accept plagiarised content

Our Content Verticals

In terms of content, our goal is to bring relevant topics that matter to our audience. We are always open to ideas about potential topics, so long as there is a link to the fintech world: fintech is very broad, therefore many subjects are relevant. Verticals such as blockchain, specific fintech businesses (e.g. Stripe), but also broader topics like finance, economics, or technology.

Why Should You Write For Us?

Whereas you are a new or a seasoned writer, we would be happy to provide you with this platform to promote yourself. You will have a tool to engage with our followers who could be your target audience.

If that sounds like something you would be interested in, get in touch at [email protected]

Google Keyword Searches for More Guest Posting Opportunities

If you are new to guest blogging and are looking to contribute to other blogs as well, we recommend searching these keywords on Google, Bing, Baidu, and other search engines:

  • ”Write for us”
  • “Guest post contribution”
  • “Guest article”
  • “Become a contributor”
  • “Guest blogging”
  • “Submit an article”
  • “Write for us” “Fintech”